The business can receive up to 50 thousand. euro support e-mail for implementing commercial solutions

Small and medium-sized companies can now apply for long-awaited financing by e-mail. for implementing and integrating commercial solutions under the measure “E. business model for COVID-19”. One company will be able to receive up to 50 thousand. EUR financing, which will be provided as 75 percent. support for the project and implementation of project activities. According to the representatives of the company “Rivile”, which develops business management and accounting systems, this opens the possibility for companies to implement electronic business solutions and accelerate your growth with minimal investment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused e- the leap in commerce, which forced businesses to digitize, work remotely and look for customers via e-mail. in space. However, part of the companies did not take advantage of these circumstances for various reasons, including the lack of their own financial resources.

August 19 the call for applications under the long-awaited EU funding instrument “E. commercial model COVID-19” allows small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) to use support and thus grow their e-commerce trading business. Companies can request from 10 to 50 thousand. financing of EUR 100,000, which would help them digitize and develop their business more effectively online, optimize labor costs and increase income.

Will finance most of the cost

The received support will cover up to 75 percent. all project costs, so companies will only need to contribute a small part of their own funds. According to Evaldas Ziedelis, director of Rivile, this should become a great incentive for businesses to digitize – to implement new business models, to automate the processes carried out in the company, to integrate e-mail. trading solutions, renewing the existing equipment, purchasing the necessary licenses and the most suitable service package.

“When we talk to small businesses, we notice that some of them still send their orders by e-mail. by mail, receive invoices in PDF format, and manage data and calculate wages directly in Excel tables. This is inefficient in terms of time and human resources, and increases the probability of errors. And after preparing a suitable business management system, you can work comfortably, see data in one program, automate and make processes more efficient, and even use integrative and artificial intelligence-based solutions. If until now there was a lack of funds to purchase such tools, the support should become a strong incentive”, says Julija Žukauskienė, who is responsible for the company’s marketing.

Thanks to the support, businesses will also be able to finance e-commerce integration solutions. The latter allows importing data from e-mails created or owned by the company. commerce platforms, helps avoid manual data entry and saves time. These decisions, according to Rivile’s executive director Marius Rubinas, became especially relevant during the pandemic, when some companies were forced to move their trade to e-commerce. space and started selling in several trade channels.

No business is too small for digitization

Rimgaudas Pazniokas, partner of Audifina, a company providing audit, accounting services and tax and financial management consulting, assures that digital tools and business management systems enable companies to do their work more efficiently, increase employee satisfaction and thereby increasing profits.

“There are about 50 people in our team. Comparing the available human resources with the scope of work, we fully understand that every automation, every integration, every system improvement pays off for us. To summarize everything, the benefit is that everyone’s work with the system brings profit. By using digital tools, we “untie” the hands of our employees, not requiring them to spend a lot of time on routine but important tasks,” assures R. Pazniokas and adds that it also increases the job satisfaction of individuals.

Although some businesses still believe that process automation solutions are primarily a step for large and mature businesses, specialists assure that there is no business too small for digitization.

Companies that have a very wide range of services and products, correspondingly a smaller amount of repeated identical operations, automate processes less often. According to R. Paznioks, even a small manufacturing company, focusing on several product groups, can easily automate its production and other business processes and increase work productivity.

What should those planning to apply know?

According to this call, EUR 40 million will be allocated from EU structural funds to very small, small and medium-sized domestic companies. euros. Companies wishing to receive support must be in operation for at least one year, and the average annual sales revenue of their own products or services provided over three years must be at least 50,000. euros. Greater priority will be given to those companies whose average monthly turnover decreased by 30 percent or more during the set period.

Among the financed solutions are various e-commerce and customer self-service tools that allow smooth communication with customers, manage sales information, exchange data or prepare offers, contracts and other documents more easily. Also – integrations with business management systems (ERP – resource management systems), which allow efficient planning of the demand for goods or services.

When submitting an application, companies must have planned the e-mail they want to implement. commercial solutions or tools, their suppliers and have commercial offers. Although there are a lot of standardized products on the market, according to E. Ziedelis, before choosing digital tools, companies should consult with potential suppliers and find out what solutions would help to grow the business the fastest, with the most efficient investment of funds.

Rivile, which develops business management and accounting systems, informs that companies planning to purchase their products or services can also use this support. Expenses incurred when renting or purchasing can be financed: with e. trade, customer self-service, software related to process management, integration solutions, mobile management applications, various additional modules related to supported activities, or when paying for consulting, training, programming services provided.


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