Rivile GAMA

An extremely popular accounting, financial and ERP system for a business that wants to grow

Rivile GAMA software benefits

Very popular

More than 30,000 companies records are handled with Rivile GAMA

For all businesses

This is a comprehensive accounting, financial and ERP system

For the whole life

The system works great from a small business to a corporation

25 certified partners

Network of dealers and program developers in Lithuania and Latvia

Extremely stable

Smart architecture - we ensure data integrity and accuracy

4 terabytes

The system works well with large amounts of data

Flexible and open

The system is extremely open, can be easily developed and adapted to the individual needs


The system is constantly maintained and quickly adapted to the changing legal and tax framework

Trained accountants

We’ve been training accountants and bookkeepers for over 25 years

Program modules

An integrated modular ERP system which, in the functional, technical and data use sense, consists of fully integrated modules.

Normative information, contracts, dimensions:

  • Company chart of accounts;
  • Goods;
  • Services;
  • Customers;
  • Departments;
  • Sites;
  • Managers;
  • Groups;
  • Cars;
  • Currencies;
  • Contracts;
  • Tax account plan, etc.

Parameters, user rights administration:

  • List of users;
  • Administration of user rights;
  • List of parameters;
  • List of reports;
  • Document counters;
  • Workplaces.

All financial statements:

  • Balance sheet;
  • Profit and loss statement;
  • Trial balance;
  • Cash book;
  • Advance payment accounting;
  • Account movement reports;
  • Invoice details;
  • Account totals;
  • Conversion of GL accounts;
  • General ledger transactions.

Management of receipts, payment transactions, bank transfer formation, import of bank statements:

  • Entry of receipts, payment transactions;
  • Automatic formation of payment transactions according to total debts;
  • Formation of SEPA transfers;
  • Cash receipt and disbursement vouchers;
  • Offsetting transactions;
  • Cash movements between bank accounts;
  • Import of payment statements.

Analysis of customer debts, customer notification system:

  • Detailed debts;
  • Total debts;
  • Customer status;
  • Turnover;
  • Sending reconciliation statements;
  • Automatic reminders;
  • Text messaging;
  • Payment plan;
  • Planned cash flows.

Long-term asset groups, cards, depreciation calculation, other operations:

  • Fixed asset groups. Ability to enter tax information and information according to BAS (different accounts and different depreciation rates);
  • Fixed asset accounting cards;
  • Depreciation methods (straight-line, remaining life, straight-line in days, etc.);
  • Fixed asset transactions (purchase, write-off, sale, internal movement, etc.);
  • Calculation of amortization;
  • Accumulation of fixed asset repair costs, increase of value;
  • Fixed assets balance and turnover reports by:
    • department, site;
    • group;
    • initial value accounts;
    • responsible person.
  • Inventory lists, depreciation sheets.

Formation of purchase orders, entry and analysis of purchase of goods/services:

  • Formation of purchase orders for goods taking into account balances, the minimum in the department, sales over the selected period, seasonality, order fulfillment deadlines;
  • Sending orders by e-mail to suppliers;
  • Invoicing of purchase orders/offers;
  • Import/export of purchasing transactions through the Rivile EDI(EKO) system;
  • Formation of i.SAF register with the STI;
  • Consignment purchasing;
  • Analysis of purchase transactions by:
    • good, service, group;
    • supplier, supplier group;
    • purchase contract;
    • department, site, center;
    • manager;
    • etc.

Entry and analysis of sales transactions for goods/services:

  • Sales offers, orders, reservations, delivery notes;
  • Import/export of sales transactions via the Rivile EDI(EKO) system, Telema, Omniva;
  • Service registration system;
  • Contract invoice generation;
  • Sending invoices by e-mail;
  • Formation of i.SAF, i.VAZ with the STI;
  • Sales price/discount selection system according to contracts, promotions, price lists, unit prices, discount matrices;
  • Analysis of sales transactions by:
    • period;
    • good, service, group;
    • buyer, buyer group, location;
    • sales contract;
    • department, site, center;
    • manager;
    • etc.

Stocktaking, write-offs, resorting, production of goods:

  • Write-off of goods for own use, losses, defects, etc.;
  • Fuel write-off;
  • Resorting of goods;
  • Write-off of goods to work-in-process accounts, goods receipt;
  • Inventory:
    • recording balances;
    • entry of inventoried quantities or import from the mobile device;
    • inventory discrepancies;
    • printing inventory reports.

Movement of goods within the company, formation of internal orders:

  • Movement of goods between departments, sites;
  • Printing of handover certificates, delivery notes;
  • Transfer of goods to consignment departments;
  • Transfer to other units of measure, assignment of expiration date, series;
  • Formation of orders for goods from other departments/warehouses, taking into account balances, minimum quantities, sales over the period;
  • Formation of i.VAZ with the STI.

Picking, distribution transactions, account formation and execution:

  • Calculation cards;
  • Picking and distribution transactions for goods/services according to calculation cards;
  • Product cost adjustment to include additional costs;
  • Calculation of wages according to the volume of production and labor costs;
  • Allocation of remuneration to employees for service rendered according to the time worked, the corresponding wages and other criteria;
  • Entry of production orders;
  • Account formation and execution;
  • Analysis reports for product cost, materials used, finished product;
  • Work in progress.

Repricing goods and services, printing labels, analyzing repricing transactions:

  • Repricing goods and services involves changing:
    • sales prices at the division;
    • sales prices by object and series;
    • base sales prices;
    • price list prices;
    • promotional prices and discounts.
  • In repricing transactions, new prices can be entered manually or can be calculated according to various formulas;
  • All products can be repriced together, or they can be repriced by group, by supplier, by inventory transaction, or by other criteria;
  • Repricing reports show them as the prices of the next sale of goods/services;
  • Repricing transactions in one division can be copied to another division or to a specific list of divisions;
  • After the goods have been repriced, labels with the new prices and other necessary information can be printed.

Formation of an i.SAF invoice register and VAT statement, and submission to the STI:

  • The formation of i.SAF data on invoices received and issued includes:
    • linking VAT to a specific VAT classification and bookkeeping account;
    • automatic selection of VAT classification when forming i.SAF document register transactions;
    • the option of assigning specific VAT classifications in each detailed line of purchase or sale;
    • selection of the account type (debit, credit, canceled, etc.) for each purchase or sale document;
    • selection of the part of the period for which the information is being formed, re-formation of data.
  • Before submitting the data, the information can be printed by classification, and the completed VAT classifications can be tested everywhere;
  • Data can be submitted to the STI by forming files or directly via API;
  • VAT registration journals can be formed for the sale of goods/services;
  • VAT statements can be formed and the FR0600 template can be uploaded.

Trip sheets, shipments, cargo, transportation transactions:

  • Travel expense tracking:
    • distance traveled;
    • fuel rates and fuel consumption;
    • all other costs incurred during the trip;
    • driver accountability;
    • connection with delivery notes.
  • Cargo accounting, generation of sales transactions for freight transport;
  • Shipment accounting, generation of purchase transactions;
  • Freight transport analysis;
  • Fuel consumption analysis by car, route, trip sheet;
  • Driver accountability analysis.

Computerized workstations for retail trade:

  • Work is done directly from the Rivile GAMA program;
  • All functionalities used in the program carry over – contracts, price lists, discount systems;
  • Integrated with various POS devices: Raso, Aspa, Empire, etc.;
  • Payment can be made by cash, credit card or gift voucher;
  • Gift vouchers can be sold and accounted for;
  • Can be connected to a scale or an ASPA cash-in/cash-out machine.

Description of employee cards, filling in time sheets, calculation and payment of wages, formation of reports:

  • A general list of credits and deductions calculated in the company is described – their number is unlimited, and the calculation algorithms are described in formulas;
  • Employee cards are described with all the information necessary for calculating wages and forming reports;
  • An employee can work in more than one division or position;
  • Different credits can be calculated for an employee in each division;
  • Time sheets (tables) are kept;
  • Vacation, sick leave, business trips, and other payroll documents are entered or imported;
  • Advance and salary payments are made, and information is formed for banks;
  • All reports for SoDra and the STI are formed;
  • Various credit/deduction reports are formed by employees, division, object.

Description of personnel cards, entry of personnel transactions, staff accounting, calculation of unused vacation:

  • Personnel cards are described with the necessary information about the employee, his or her education, the documents submitted;
  • The number of approved positions in each division is recorded, the number of unused positions is tracked;
  • All personnel transactions related to the employee are carried out: hire, transfer, vacation, internships, substitutions, dismissal, etc.;
  • All documents (contracts, orders, etc.) related to the transactions are formed and attached to the transactions;
  • The balance of unused vacation can be calculated for any date;
  • Report forms 1-SD, 9-SD and 12-SD are prepared;
  • Various summaries are formed by employee, as well as unused vacation reports with averages;
  • A personal card is formed which shows the employee’s entire history.

System and additional reports, function keys, analytical information, information filtering, printing and uploading to various file formats:

  • Rivile GAMA provides a set of systematic reports that can be supplemented with user reports.
  • The information generated by the reports can be printed, exported to various file formats (Excel, PDF, Word, etc.), or sent by e-mail.
  • The various function keys make finding and reviewing the necessary information faster.
  • You can easily view the analytical information for each transaction: the entry in the General Ledger, detailed debts, detailed item information.
  • The information can be filtered by various fields and their logical expressions, and the filter results can be sorted.
  • A quick review of current stocks and customer debts is possible.
  • Financial reports are formed: balance sheets, profit and loss statements, trial balance reports.

Budget items, layouts, alignment of the plan, comparison of plan vs. actual:

  • Linking budget items to the company’s chart of accounts;
  • Alignment of the planned budget by department, site, center and other dimensions;
  • Creating budget layouts, including budget items, GL accounts, formulas;
  • Review of budget information according to the layouts described. Comparison against actual;
  • Budget reports.

Promotions, collecting and using loyalty points:

  • Discounts and prices of goods and services and during promotions can be described;
  • Promotions can be applied to certain goods or groups of goods during a specified period;
  • When working with a POS, the loyalty system for customers can be described;
  • Various algorithms for calculating and collecting loyalty points can be described;
  • Loyalty points can be used by applying various discounts, by paying part of the amount, or by paying for special goods.

A customer management system that links all customer-related information:

  • Projects and tasks are described;
  • Tasks can be combined into projects;
  • Tasks can be instantaneous or ongoing, and the functions that have to be performed during approval of the task are described;
  • Communication with customers is recorded;
  • Tasks for employees are generated and the process of their execution is controlled;
  • Messages, contracts and invoices can automatically be sent to customers.

Various types of documents and storing, administering and searching them:

  • The DMS module allows you to:
    • compile various documents in a database;
    • only describe references to documents placed in certain catalogs in the database;
    • sort documents by type and kind;
    • enter and store a lot of additional information about each document;
    • administer who can see each kind of document;
    • indicate until when the documents are valid, when they are to be archived, and the archive number;
    • immediately upload the files generated by the reports (in PDF, XLS or other format) into DMS transactions;
    • automatically upload documents sent by e-mail (via Microsoft Outlook) into DMS transactions.

The DMS module ensures the security of documents and makes them easier to find.

i.SAF-T data file formation and submission to the STI:

  • The tax invoicing plan is linked to the company’s invoicing plan;
  • The necessary information about shareholders is entered;
  • i.SAF-T information can be formed in whole or in parts, by transaction type;
  • The verification and financial breakdown periods can be set;
  • If you have a lot of information, several files are formed;
  • The files formed are submitted to the STI.

The GDPR module includes:

  • Register of data processing activities:
    • the purpose of data processing (data subject);
    • the types and kinds of personal data processed;
    • the legal basis for their processing;
    • personal data repositories;
    • access to personal data.
  • Recording queries and selecting the data required for the query;
  • Recording consents to the use and storage of personal data;
  • Recording personal data security breaches;
  • Formation of the GDPR activity register.

Basically updated Rivile GAMA versions “+ AI” with integrated Forecasting + AI module allow forecasting time-varying data: sales, inventories or any other externally imported data. For this purpose, you can use our developed model or create your own.

The forecasting + AI module also allows to create all types of orders generation. Orders can be generated using any selected parameters and data, including individually generated forecasts. You can create your own formulas, perform any kind of calculations, use them universally.

We provide the module as an integral part of the Rivile GAMA system. This module can be used by anyone having valid version access.

Rivile has integrations with various systems. Show list

Rivile GAMA is a multi-user system that meets the requirements of companies of all sizes.
Our ERP software has a modular structure, so customers only have to purchase the modules they need

Additional functionalities to
Rivile GAMA system

  • Rivile MGAMA – online portal for working with the Rivile GAMA
  • Rivile MSCAN – fast product selection and recording
  • Rivile API – connection with external systems
  • Task management system
  • Sending documents to the Public Procurement System
  • Integration with other systems through web services
  • Connection to GPAIS

Rivile GAMA has official installers throughout Lithuania. Show list

Frequently asked questions

There is a monthly rental fee and customers always have free access to the latest versions of the software. The software is rented in packages, not as individual modules. Upon termination of the rental contract, the databases are no longer available.

In contrast, in the case of acquisition, there is a one-off acquisition fee for the licence, both individual modules and packages are available for purchase, and the customer purchases the licence and the latest version of the programme available at the time. If the customer decides not to use the software anymore, the existing version of the software with the licence and the database remains with the customer.

The networked version is designed for more than 1 workstation (more than 1 single user can work on the system at the same time). Whereas the non-networked version is for 1 user (only one user can connect to the system and work). The non-networked version can be changed to networked version if there is a need to extend the licence.

Rivile GAMA can be deployed both on a server/computer specified by the client and in a server cloud. Rivile itself does not provide server and cloud rental services, but Rivile recommends the most popular server cloud providers, so the client can choose the cloud provider freely.

Rivile GAMA is designed for Windows OS, but can also be run on Apple OS by using the Windows emulator.

The software is deployed on the infrastructure specified by the client within the next 1-2 days from the signing of the contract at a time convenient to the client.

Yes, there is a Rivile guide with in-depth instructions, examples of operations, video lessons and tests.

You can email rivile@rivile.lt with the company you are applying from and the details of the company you want to contribute to. You will receive a registration code by email which you will need to use to describe your company in the app.

Recommended technical parameters:

Yes, Rivile GAMA is very flexible and friendly for integrations with external systems, making it easy to integrate via Web Services (API REST) with third party systems.

Yes, but the system has been continuously improved and developed for more than 20 years and has a wide range of functionalities for different businesses and processes. It is also open and can be easily modified and adapted to specific customer needs. Individual customisation is carried out under a separate service contract.

By purchasing the software, you will be able to add your other companies’ databases to your licence and they will have access to the same licence composition as the main licence holder. This service is free of charge if the number of new databases does not exceed 10 companies and the databases are not already registered in the Rivilės system.

Yes, if the old accounting system has the option to export the data to a structured digital format such as excel or csv file. Then the data can be imported into Rivile GAMA quite easily. Data migration is carried out under a separate service contract.


Svetlana Astanina

Male deputy accountant
20 hours ago

I have been a client of UAB "Rivilė" for many years. Very convenient program, clear, has many options, various reports, functions. Work is easy and pleasant. A great team, your employees are always pleasant to communicate, explain and help. All problems are solved promptly.

Liuda Grigentienė

VšĮ „VUL santaros klinikos“
April 21, 2022

We have been with UAB "Rivilė" since 2001. During the long years of work, we have improved and changed together, as accounting principles, taxes, and the exit of the litas have changed. All those years, we accountants were happy to have an excellent program, highly qualified service specialist Virgilija. Flexible program, many options, constantly improving program. We have recommended it to many institutions that were interested in accounting programs. We recommend it even now, because the program is convenient for work, simple, clear and accurate.

Irena Babachina

Male Accountant
February 14, 2022

Many years ago, I had to carefully analyze which accounting program to choose. And we chose Rivile GAMA from the many offered programs... and we were not mistaken... We are a manufacturing and trading company, we work with all program modules, which greatly facilitates the accountant's work.

Mindaugas Kapleris

UAB „Ligranta“
December 8, 2021

It is an excellent not only accounting but also business management software. There are great opportunities to adapt the program to your own needs, both for managers and management. The program is constantly updated and improved. We always listen to the wishes and wishes of our customers. Excellent, sincere and helpful team. Thank you.

Inga Bartkevičiūtė

UAB „Dangera“
November 19, 2021

Reviews about the program and staff are only the best. We have been using the Rivile GAMA program for many years. The program itself is easy to learn, if there are any questions, they are answered quickly. You can have a quick phone consultation or specialists can solve them remotely. We are satisfied with the work of your employee Kristina. We receive detailed information on all ... questions, requests for additional reports. We appreciate Kristina's comprehensive help and professionalism, which greatly improves and speeds up our work.

Try it for free, buy or rent

Try it, make sure of the stability, consult on how to better adapt the system to your business
